Sunday, October 7, 2007

Lost and Found

Today kinda started off as a Lost day.
one side of my Peace sign earrings are missing :( how can you be a closet-hippy with one side i ask you. pfft.

and then i lost my common sense. decided to wear my heels after forgetting that they give me Blisters. (observe the use of the capital 'B'. can be alternatively read as !blisters)
of course it became a Found day after the shoe began chafing my heel. no prizes for guessing what turned up.

on the bright side, i have that picture of the cute little girls i saw at the animal fair. on the scary side, there's only one little girl in the picture. the other one disappeared :O

i assure you she was much cuter when there was a second kid next to her. they were (i keep forgetting) she was watching the hamster race. pictures are up in the parish newspaper and there's this cute (again!) shot of a weetle boy on the pony. eh eh, i take that back. not any pony. Peppy the Pony. we're close (waves finger between me and imaginary pony), first-name basis.

but believe me, he looks better with his mouth closed. ponies have that whole in-out-in-out tongue thing. all the time. makes you squeamish after a while. plus, it tried to trample me while i was stroking it! i lie, llama was there. was probably trying to trample her.

ooh i should stop this compulsive lying. i think it got scared by the german shepard that was passing behind us, and so it reared and neighed, a bit. but yeah, point is, ponies are only pretty with their mouths closed.

so i don't see why there's this stereotype about little girls liking ponies. okay bye. i really have to start studying proper. and lose weight to look good for prom. yes that too.
tag replies: anak! it's been so long! oh and thank you for the good luck haha (: