Friday, June 29, 2007

"i vant to sark your blurd"

dora's very good at coming up with nicknames :D she's 80 Cents, y'know like 50 Cent the rapper! because every recess: "nette, can you lend me 80 cents please?" hawhaw. can you imagine me with my foot up on the chair, "charge eenterest ah."

she's brill at rap i bet. just doesn't want to show it. and psst dora, i just realised. mozzies are an explorer's worst enemy O: let's make moley a leech!

othernews, play this awesome game. total waste of time, totally lame. why else am i recommending it?

Games at - Doodle

Bring your doodle to life and battle the enemy erasers.

Play this free game now!!

Thursday, June 28, 2007

my china tea cup and the pinky

Setting: Some funky green English lawn

Characters: (now you all gotta pretend) you're sandwiched between emma, jane austen and mister darcy. and laura. and me of course.

"i say dearies, we had a lovely bookclub meeting today! the lad(d)ies brought their garden chairs and frilly umbrellas along, and we provided the creampuffs and cupcakes! sipping earl grey tea, we discussed fascinating topics like. the weather. and how papa got the harpischord mended today. oh hoo hoo hoo, laura dahling, we must have them over again sometime soon! :D

OKAY. that's what i imagined would happen today. and it didn't. for one, we had no frilly brollies :( or cupcakes or creampuffs for that matter. but it was cool (: i like listening to smart people talk, and i like adding in my two cents. but i have a problem.

i won't talk if people are already talking. see no point to when they're giving intelligent answers i take time to digest (i find it might be useful to add that i am hopeless at multitasking.) and so i look like a prat who doesn't participate. BOO. i try, but its hard to try sound intelligent when everyone else isn't trying to, but does anyway.

snorts. i sound like i have an issue with my sense of selfworth. talking about a book which has self-discovery as a main theme. = = ironyyy.

ANYWAY. bookclubbing (now there's a word) was fun! and poor laura will have to put up with Inspired Nette bombing her with whacked up theories about JLC . she'll be Expired Laura :D

oh oh. since everyone's crazy over "Transformers, more to the eye... " see mine:

You'd change into an electric toothbrush!

Maybe you won't save the world, but you'll give it a prettier smile. As an electric toothbrush, you're an effective tool for cleaning plaque and other gunk off of people's teeth. Whenever you take on a new mission, you work tirelessly (and whirr happily) until your mission is complete.

In your human form, you probably care a lot about having white teeth and fresh breath. Other people may doubt the importance of your powers, but you know that a great smile can inspire someone to fall in love with you (pshaw) – and fresh breath seals the deal.

6% of the people who took this quiz got the same evaluation.

my coolness level just totally dropped from -3752 to whoa. a number lost during the last alien attack.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

sugarfly, honeybun.

i hate crowded buses. scratch that, i loathe crowded buses. people don't move, people stick out of their seats, people smell funny, people aren't nice to people who need niceness and people try and cheat their way off the bus. (i don't actually have a personal problem with that, but it's bad and here i am trying to convince you that crowded buses are bad.)

zomg. I HATE CROWDED BUSES. CAN'T Y'ALL JUST GO HOME ANOTHER TIME. and let me take my gorgeously quiet happy nice-smelling -kay, went too far with 'nice-smelling'-unsmelly bus in peace. leave me and my antisocial little self be. please.

honestly, i don't like crowds. and i hate places where the only reason there is breathing space between you and stranger number 1 is because you're shorter than him. or her. everyone's pushing and striding, all in a rush to get to someplace someone else is rushing from. all wrapped up in their miniscule little worlds.

dsifhadiufgadiufg. i hate crowds. they give me sensory overload. aftershave stinks, that lady's sequins are blinding me and i hate having to squeeze into someone else so the person behind me can move to wherever it is they're going. its embarrassing to have to shove yourself into a sitting stranger's lap because the rest of the other eedgits and blockheads are too stoned to move.

AND I SHOULD COME WITH MY VERY OWN SCHOOLBAG ZONE. because the dumb thing makes me a safety hazard. though i should speak in its defence- for crying out loud, its orange! albeit a dirty orange. sometimes i wish they were sea slugs or something. -scowls- animals know bright colours mean danger.

and who loves house! yay, tell me who you are so i can jump around and we can gush about house's brilliance together! :D unless you're someone i don't know O.O in which case, jumping around might be difficult and/or awkward. yes.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

i do wonder how much of this is true. and i do wish they didn't use the word monkey. a friend has a particular affinity for that word. not a monkey.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

"Everything's conditional. You just can't always anticipate the conditions."

Dr. Chase: [about House] He thinks outside the box. Is that so evil?
Dr. Foreman: He has no idea where the box is!

House is the awesomemest show ever. and i always feel smarter after watching it because i understand 65-70% of the medical jargon (:

on the other hand, if i want to feel like leonardo da vinci, i watch Spell Cast. happened to catch my first episode (very likely the last) last night on channel 5, and i've concluded that our little ones are getting dumber every year. -watches my theory of milk formulas and superhumans on this island fly out yonder window-

it's too easy. i thought it'd be full of obscure words and nervous 10 year olds mixing up their E's and A's. why don't they spell out the whole word? makes it much harder definitely. OH and hello, just because the word is long doesn't mean it's instantly level 1983647235.

10 seconds to spell a word can be nerve-wrecking. but 10 seconds for MCQ! and the wrong answers are screaming "i'm wrong! i'm wrong! pick the one next to me!" and the goondus pick the screaming one. go back and read a proper dictionary this time laaaah. your primary two spelling list doesn't quite cut it.

maybe im being harsh. they're 11 or 12, nerve-wrecked, and half the island is sitting at home calling them stupid/kayu or both. so the producers give them a chance to y'know, look smart- give them easy words.. but there was one kid.

TIMBU_TU, fill in the single letter. and he/she put an impossible letter, i think it was N or T. can't remember what it was, was too aghast. someone ship (i think it was a her) her off to africa please. and don't bother labelling the box 'fragile', nothing a few knocks should rid her of.

my mom was like, what happened to all the brainiest kids! yeah, those kids were smart. since i've watched house for today already, i shall satisfy myself by reading quotes; they really are very funny.

and oh. haha sarah, at least that's what xavier said.

see, the gas tap was on, and the lighter was seconds away from lighting the stove. then i think xavier's guardian angel must've kicked him real hard in the head, because that was a close call. if it was played in slow-mo, he would have gone "NOOOO..." in this low voice and his hand outstretched and falling forward.

anyway, he relieved me of the lighter and said "you want to blow up the church ah?"

Monday, June 18, 2007

my brother and i

my mother dearest is taking a tremendous risk. the odds are stacked against her, but she's going with her gut instinct. SOME INSTINCT.

and this is the daughter who nearly blew the church up on sunday. i blame the accomplice as well. i thought the gas stove worked the same way as bunsen burners in the lab! apparently not. we didn't know any better.

i have to be responsible and bring him to the library to get charlotte's web. (i told him it was pronounced char-lot-ti as in fried bread :D) little kids are fun, you tell them all sorts of things and they believe you. -looks smug- i only believe half the lies im told- like kumar's really a man.

and if you believed i was that dumb, well shame on you. my daddy told me to "stop being a paris hilton" a while back :D anyway. i told the little man we're gonna play famine camp. that should settle breakfast and lunch pretty well.

I AM NOT THAT MEAN. he ran around the house earlier wearing his goggles (who knows why), and my sister told him his brain would shrink because of the difference in pressure in and out of the water. and he really panicked and ran off to tell my mommy! quote the mean one: "you just throw in some cheem words and he believes you."

i swear, with sisters like us, who needs enemies.

Sunday, June 17, 2007

spongebob for a day

i was a frycook (: and a very good one i bet. nick was squidward, although circumstances should have made me so. i was in green and he was in yellow. no matter, don't like squidward. hoho. but i will never work in Macs. you stink of fried calories.

am self-actualised; on a high because i feel so very useful! will be totally cut out for mission work. see, i went marketing. as in jostle-with-the- aunties-and-step-in-the-smellies marketing.

$4 worth of french beans, 50 cents of chillies, 4 packets of egg noodles and i kg of hokkien mee. doesn't seem like much but it is! AHOHO. if kuching is gonna be as fun as this, bring it on baby.

and oh oh. when i bought the noodles, the uncle kept smiling at me. so i thought he was real happy because he cheated me or something. nope! they were legit.

i must be some sweet young thing :D

Friday, June 15, 2007

we hope you enjoyed your ride.

woke up suddenly at 3.22 this morning. don't ask me why, was creepishly quiet around the house. (but i suppose most households are creepishly quiet at 3am.) anyway. so i lay there, and this thought tapped politely on my mind's door and popped in.

"Life's a giant rollercoaster."

then it made itself right at home, because there's more to it. its not just about the ups and downs that make it such a cool analogy. maybe all of us are in tiny cars, and our relationships the links between cars.

so we try prepare ourselves for life- put a seatbelt in, screw a handlebar on while we're at it. oil the gears regularly (that'd be the exercise), paint it pretty, stick in a cushion. so you've prepared yourself, and so maybe the ride goes smoother, you feel much safer, maybe you think you can stay there forever.

but ultimately, we don't have a say in where we go, do we? we're in a rollercoaster, but blindfolded. because we all can't be the next Cassandra, can we. who knows how many times we'll flip upside down, inside out. or how many times you scream your lungs out. or.. when i think of more stuff to do i'll let you know.

pauses. my point is, i guess there's not much use in worrying about what's gonna happen. in fact, most rollercoasters are much more fun if you think you're gonna fall out. so.

enjoy the ride.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

poseurs never prosper

ahahaha. yes they never. but because i'll have to repeat myself ALL OVER again, i'll just tell you what i told laura on msn, minus the nicknames and stuff. (edited laaa)

SO. my grandpa praised my tennis today! but it was a backhanded compliment (excuse the pun) :D

after our time at the courts was up today, these four NS-aged guys came in and one of them was all cool and knowledgable, teaching his friend how to hold the semi-western grip.

so we walked off, (actually we only exited the courts, which doesn't mean we poofed out of sight) sneakily watched them play.. and my grandpa (oh i love him so.) turned to us and said:

"alamak, for show only! even jeanette can play better than them!"
i swear, their balls were flying high
{ laura therese } says:
i take my compliments where i can :D

hee hee. anyway, dan's birthday vid by celine is out and i'm shamelessly promoting it. ( if you can't see it.)

and i sleepy. g'night y'all.

Sunday, June 10, 2007

am in trouble.
will morph into a beachball over the holidays and when school starts. O: they'll have to roll me up to class. ( oh shock and horror.)

see, yesterday i was showing my grandma confi pictures and she goes "lei fei zhuo lo." [you've gotten fatter] very matter-of-factly.
skdghdflgaifg;afihg! thank you very much :(

and here my mom's saying i have great discipline towards all food; except chocolate. what does that tell you? -scowls-


Friday, June 8, 2007

and i was bored. again.

i am bored, and paris hilton runs away from jail.
there is something sneaky about her. she can't even go to jail properly! s'like, first it was a jailterm of 45 days, then 23.. now 3 days and woosh. she's done a proper houdini now.

-twiddles thumbs-
so, what've you been up to? i will miss xanga's coolio faces, but i don't like the boxes :/
IF anyone knows how to get a xanga skin without the silly frames, do share! please and thank you. then i'll go back there. my loyalties don't lie with blogging services quite 'pparently.

in the meantime, ecphonesis- kind of like KANTANFU! hoho.