Tuesday, June 26, 2007

sugarfly, honeybun.

i hate crowded buses. scratch that, i loathe crowded buses. people don't move, people stick out of their seats, people smell funny, people aren't nice to people who need niceness and people try and cheat their way off the bus. (i don't actually have a personal problem with that, but it's bad and here i am trying to convince you that crowded buses are bad.)

zomg. I HATE CROWDED BUSES. CAN'T Y'ALL JUST GO HOME ANOTHER TIME. and let me take my gorgeously quiet happy nice-smelling -kay, went too far with 'nice-smelling'-unsmelly bus in peace. leave me and my antisocial little self be. please.

honestly, i don't like crowds. and i hate places where the only reason there is breathing space between you and stranger number 1 is because you're shorter than him. or her. everyone's pushing and striding, all in a rush to get to someplace someone else is rushing from. all wrapped up in their miniscule little worlds.

dsifhadiufgadiufg. i hate crowds. they give me sensory overload. aftershave stinks, that lady's sequins are blinding me and i hate having to squeeze into someone else so the person behind me can move to wherever it is they're going. its embarrassing to have to shove yourself into a sitting stranger's lap because the rest of the other eedgits and blockheads are too stoned to move.

AND I SHOULD COME WITH MY VERY OWN SCHOOLBAG ZONE. because the dumb thing makes me a safety hazard. though i should speak in its defence- for crying out loud, its orange! albeit a dirty orange. sometimes i wish they were sea slugs or something. -scowls- animals know bright colours mean danger.

and who loves house! yay, tell me who you are so i can jump around and we can gush about house's brilliance together! :D unless you're someone i don't know O.O in which case, jumping around might be difficult and/or awkward. yes.