Sunday, November 18, 2007

The fastest way to travel is by candlelight

i would like to capture moments, freeze them and revisit them once in a while. not photographs. something like a pensieve, where you can re-experience the moment. and that would be cooler than a fridge in the Arctic.

yesterday was churchies'catchingupday. (a churchie is a friend in church. says me.) met anak and jo at the sec 3's activity day, then lunching with llama and sarah, then dinner at the friary with the sec 3 catechists. OMG SARAH CHEONG'S ANT JOKES.

"what's the ant with the highest position in the colony?"
llama and i stared at her.
"don't know. what's it?"

then she started cackling for the next 78257625 ant jokes. i bet the people studying next to us wanted to strangle her! of course there was the "who's the hottest/sexiest/most beautiful ant in the colony?" (no prizes for guessing who) her ant jokes are gonna become as ubiquitous as Yo Momma jokes, and one day, as well-known as "why did the chicken cross the road?" sarah cheong is so lame she's funny, she makes you go O:, D:, l:,

and llama's romeo and juliet mystery! and static charges. i concluded that llama's hair is better than sarah's, the charges it creates make more paper bits FLYYY :D

at night there was the dinner. unfortunately we didn't get served by the chipmunk, nor did we have fries (geddit? friary? fries? chips? monks?) :B and I WANT TO BECOME A FRIARRRRR WHEN I GROW UP. omgg the place is gorgeousness. with a doggie named Tricks. aha cute.

(pauses solemnly)

cherylteosuwen broke the place. HAHAHA. she pulled the sliding door open and the lock fell off. then after dinner, she sat down and this bell ornament tumbled off the christmas tree. omg the look on her face was classic. i was lucky enough to see the same expression twice- it's an ohshit and herewegoagain combilook.

later we were playing Polar Bear, and she got killed off in the first round for the first few games. she was so agitated because she couldn't play. i haven't laughed so hard continuously for a long time. jeremy's comments only made it funnier. "she takes it personally!" then she lunged forward, and i only managed to hear "this girl" and "karma!" over the laughter.

the first round she wasn't a villager, she was a polar bear. and a damn fantastic polarbear. i was right next to her and i didn't suspect a thing! only timothy suspected her, but she killed him off before he could do anything major. when he found out who she was, he burst out "I KNEW IT!" you should have seen him, his eyes were practically bulging.

Polarbear's megafun to play. everyone should play it! and if you die early, you get to hang around watching the rest get killed. like emmanuel pointed out, you know the princes from stardust? we just sit there, clap and go "oooh."

honestly i haven't had so much fun in a long while. now it REALLY feels like O's are over.
-beams- llama, sarah and anak. <33>
and oh! prom peektures.
i told you! OBIWAN KENOBI! i heart her boots. they are sexy boots.

table 3 the lucky table (:
aand i forgot to sweep the hair out of my eyes. laura called me the "one-eyed monster." here i proved her wrong. you can't see my other eye either.

a rather blurry class photo. look at all the teeny faces! but check mrs L out! first row, extreme left in the orange top. she looks our age!
omggg. i miss 2007 already.