Monday, November 26, 2007

I fell down on Saturday.

While playing Freeze 'n' Melt. (I always thought it was 'milk'.) My escaping skills are all rusty, i miscalculated the turn and gravity took over. somewhere in the back of my head, a little tree-feller was shouting and OMGGG. i was so embarrassed i could only sit on the ground and laugh. now i got boo boos :(

But Saturday was a weird day anyhow. During mass! I thought someone i knew was sitting in front of me. Was wondering why he didn't turn around to say hello. And i was wondering throughout Mass. Finally. During the Sign of Peace, the 'stranger' turned around and gave me a shock. It was not the friend in question, that fella's nose was all smooshed flat! What if i pushed the stranger's head in greeting!

Then. My sister got annoyed because i held out my hand but flipped it just before she could hold it during the Our Father. And during the Peace time, i opened my arms to nearly-hug her and she just stood there.

"Peace man!"
"... ... "

Wokay. Dejectedly, i turned around to wish the fella behind. And getting a very amused expression in return. Ah booyah. An eye-witness to the rejection! If i didn't know better, I'd think i created these situations.

Talking about situations.

Is this not cool! And i can reedit and pronunce the peepuls' names :D

A Literal Translation
"Here is Marie. Who is it? It is Marie. She is the child of Mr and Mrs Mercier. She is the sister of Paul. Where is Paul? Ah! Here is Paul. Who is he? He is the brother of Marie. "

Then Marie and Paul tell you who they are, sister of Paul and brother of Marie respectively, and suddenly Paul points at this man walking in the garden. He cries out in a tremulous voice. "ZOMG. Who are these blackandwhytes! Intruding into our little grammar lecture as we try to teach extraterrestrials the ways of our Paperback. They know not what sacred ground they tread upon."

Marie peers over his shoulder and eyes afore-mentioned suspects before slapping her brother on the head. "Idiot! C'est Monsieur Mercier et Madame Mercier. Our father and mother."

Well, neither of them really did or said that. But now you know La Famille Mercier! The real passage continues as such.

"Who is that man? It is Mr Mercier. He is the father of Marie and Paul. Mrs Mercier is their mother. " Mr Mercier calls out, " Paul, are you in the dining room?"

The end.