Friday, August 31, 2007

That guy with the curl

1.The lovely cartoon that was published on August the 17th wasn't my comic yo. i got it off Am flattered you thought i came up with that (: but that is the work of a ex-NASA scientist.

2.Flooble not working. went back to shoutbox! aand im not sure why i needed to tell you that.

The Teachers' Day concert this year was extremely well put together i must say. well done organisers! i swear, mr tang looked like a weetle boy in his rodeo outfit :D Like, he made me want to "button up his sweater and pat his head." (JLC, although i'm not too sure if that's quoted correctly.) it's that aw shucks he sho cute kind of feeling.

THEN. i succumbed to temptation and went to watch Hairspray. EVERY TIME ZAC EFRON APPEARED, THIS GROUP OF GIRLS IN THE THEATRE SCREAMED. SCREAMED, I KID YOU NOT. i am objective. i do not swoon when his "neon blue" eyes sparkle, i didn't squeal when he winked at his reflection, i didn't even squeak when he declared his lurve for the female protagonist. but i like his Superman curl.

it is a very charming curl (:

Update: aka spoiler (10.05pm)

Dora's blog made me feel like elaborating on the movie. good show, got heart. and the BIG IS BEAUTIFUL take was so cute. like "who needs a twig when you can have the whole tree?" there was the topic of racism as well, and Seaweed (Elijah Kelley) was all "The blacker the berry, the sweeter the juice. The darker the chocolate, the richer the taste." :D power to the people doood.

omgosh i love the cheesiness of the showww. old school is new again man.
with the curls and tuxes and frilly dresses! but john travolta makes one scary woman. was terrified there'd be a homophobic moment. anyway, he has manly hands and at the end! he wears a mini! -insert collective shudder here-

last thing. listen out for the last song in Hairspray. it sounds remarkably similar to that High School Musical "stick to the status quo" song! (like the national day song Home and There's no place I'd rather be.) listen.

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Mmm. Smell that freedom.

oh the freedom of being online. without worrying about tomorrow's paper. oh the bliss. oh the pleasure. oh the-. have you met my pet dinosaur?

am highly unoriginal, so i stole the idea from the guy who runs :D
but his diplodocus diplodicus FORGET IT. his dinosaur-with-the-long-neck! was rather titchy. meet !ally. notice the exclamation mark in front? yeah, that means you have to shout it. like " meet !ALLY" hahahaha.

allosaurus, jurassic era. i know this is rather random, but when i grow up? im gonna give my kid an Afrikaan name. and sarah cheong! comes up with the funniest things.

!nette says:
when i grow up i might just give my kid an african name

Sarah says:
like zimboowataka

!nette says:
can you imagine

!nette says:
where did you come up with a name like that!?

Sarah says:
pure genius

!nette says:
!zimboowataka come clean your room up

Sarah says:
And for short you can call him zimb
or zimbo

Sarah says:
of course its a he!

!nette says:

Sarah says:
For the girl

!nette says:
what's his sister
BIBMO ZOMG! *editor's note: typo la

Sarah says:
it can be zimbowatakeekee!

so i call the girl keekee for short. wah heng. lucky the kids will take on their father's surname.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007


the iudfhsukdfhsd chem paper's tomorrow and i hardly understand electrochemistry.


Friday, August 17, 2007

Thursday, August 16, 2007


yay. am pretty satisfied i think. even though i have this niggling feeling i should have said more. (pauses) but i made them laugh. that counts right! even though i have no idea why they laughed.

think i'll pass. stumbled over "sepak tekraw" and the rest of the picture though. and i used my weetle brother as an example :D convo was about winning. and he asked if i thought winning was everything. i used Putt-Putt Enters the Race! ahaha, betcha don't know that one. n00bs :D

"It's not whether you win or lose, it's about how you race around the track!"
that's putt-putt, and he says it in this faux-texan accent. awesome game. i always win.

OH OH. while we were waiting in the holding room, mrs alex said to give the examiners some time to discuss. "Count to a hundred and then knock on the door," she said. right. so when my turn came, i sat there. and beat came out. and i counted. and then! this lovely breeze blew past so of course i closed my eyes to savour the moment. and lost count.

YES. losing count was inevitable i should say. why'd mrs alex give us such a huge number anyway huh. so i picked a middle-y number, 47 i think and started from there. sniggers. at 62, the examiner came out and asked if i was going to come in. time sure flies when you're counting.

and when i finished my exam, this random little table bumped into me. i swear! it must have been waiting to ambush me. my hips told me. and you all know what they say- hips don't lie.

Saturday, August 11, 2007


My nonarrival in the city of N.
took place on the dot.

You'd been alerted
in my unmailed letter.

You were able not to be there
at the agreed-upon time.

The train pulled up at Platform 3.
A lot of people got out.

My absence joined the throng
as it made its way toward the exit.

Several women rushed
to take my place
in all that rush.

Somebody ran up to one of them.
I didn't know him,
but she recognized him

While they kissed
with not our lips,
a suitcase disappeared,
not mine.

The railroad station in the city of N.
passed its exam
in objective existence
with flying colors.

The whole remained in place.
Particulars scurried
along the designated tracks.

Even a rendezvous
took place as planned.

Beyond the reach
of our presence.

In the paradise lost
of probability.

Somewhere else.
Somewhere else.
How these little words ring.

-Wislawa Szymborska

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

my squeaky shoes and me

a la chip skylar (you know who he is and i love you! you don't, well, pfft. go find out or something.)

i do not like my school shoes. they squeak when they're wet. and what school-going child never steps in puddles!? hello mister schoolshoemaker, didn't think of that, did we now. i do not like my school shoes. they make toddlers jealous.

at the mrt station yesterday, and all the tiny munchkins who went to the nearby NTUC with their grandmas were staring like hell at my feet. is it my fault squeaky shoes are the epitome of peewee-popularity? jealous ah? jealous ah? pfft.

so i was listening to Sweet Child Of Mine, (yes, that cool song with awesome guitar riffs and goes suprisingly well with squeaks every alternating second) and as i walked out of the station, the ending of the song was particularly apt.

"where do we go now where do we go now."
we go burn them stupid shoes. pfft.

on a happier note, dora's new username is awesome.
"music is love in search of a word." beautiful (:

Saturday, August 4, 2007

wo bu zhi dao.

1. Put your music player on shuffle.
2. Press forward for each question.
3. Use the song title as the answer to the question.

How am i feeling today?-Shawn Colvin: Sunny Came Home

Will i get far in life? – Sheryl Crow and Sting: Always on your side (whatever that means)

How do my friends see me? – Tyler Hilton: When It Comes

Where will i get married? – Stars: Your ex-lover is dead. (fantastic, this bodes well indeed -.-)

What is my best friend's theme song? – The Killers: Romeo and Juliet

What is the story of my life? – Something Corporate: I want to save you (pfft)

What is/was high school like? – Guns N' Roses: Sweet child of mine

How can i get ahead in life? – The Calling: Wherever you will go (ooh.)

What is the best thing about me? – The Fray: Fall away

What is today going to be like? – (snorts) Snow Patrol: Make this go on forever

What is in store for this weekend? – Jem: Maybe i'm amazed

What song describes my parent(s) – Kings Of Convenience: I 'd rather dance with you (aww.)

To describe my grandparents? – Jason Mraz: Curbside prophet (oh my.)

How is my life going? – Jason Mraz and Tristan Prettyman: Shy that way

How does the world see me? – Something Corporate: Watch the sky

Will i have a happy life? –Grease soundtrack: Summer Love

What do my friends really think of me?- Switchfoot: Only Hope (HA. HA. HA)

Do people secretly lust after me? – The Fray : Over my head. (uh huh. the mp3 has spoken)

How can i make myself happy? – Michael Learns to Rock: Sleeping Child. (a very productive past-time indeed!)

What should i do with my life? - (OOOOH..) Tim Mcgraw: Live like you were dying

Will i ever have children? – The Wannadies: You and Me. (just the two of us huh.)

aaand this is a fantastic time-waster.

got sunshine?

i have done good, two figurative bricks off my figurative wall.
and i should not be here.