Friday, August 31, 2007

That guy with the curl

1.The lovely cartoon that was published on August the 17th wasn't my comic yo. i got it off Am flattered you thought i came up with that (: but that is the work of a ex-NASA scientist.

2.Flooble not working. went back to shoutbox! aand im not sure why i needed to tell you that.

The Teachers' Day concert this year was extremely well put together i must say. well done organisers! i swear, mr tang looked like a weetle boy in his rodeo outfit :D Like, he made me want to "button up his sweater and pat his head." (JLC, although i'm not too sure if that's quoted correctly.) it's that aw shucks he sho cute kind of feeling.

THEN. i succumbed to temptation and went to watch Hairspray. EVERY TIME ZAC EFRON APPEARED, THIS GROUP OF GIRLS IN THE THEATRE SCREAMED. SCREAMED, I KID YOU NOT. i am objective. i do not swoon when his "neon blue" eyes sparkle, i didn't squeal when he winked at his reflection, i didn't even squeak when he declared his lurve for the female protagonist. but i like his Superman curl.

it is a very charming curl (:

Update: aka spoiler (10.05pm)

Dora's blog made me feel like elaborating on the movie. good show, got heart. and the BIG IS BEAUTIFUL take was so cute. like "who needs a twig when you can have the whole tree?" there was the topic of racism as well, and Seaweed (Elijah Kelley) was all "The blacker the berry, the sweeter the juice. The darker the chocolate, the richer the taste." :D power to the people doood.

omgosh i love the cheesiness of the showww. old school is new again man.
with the curls and tuxes and frilly dresses! but john travolta makes one scary woman. was terrified there'd be a homophobic moment. anyway, he has manly hands and at the end! he wears a mini! -insert collective shudder here-

last thing. listen out for the last song in Hairspray. it sounds remarkably similar to that High School Musical "stick to the status quo" song! (like the national day song Home and There's no place I'd rather be.) listen.