Friday, September 28, 2007



i have a pet peeve. scratch that, a few. since complaining is fun.

1. smokers should be banned from trains. they stink. and make my nose hurt.

2. am a private person, if i like you i share my lifestory and i don't care if you get bored. because i like you. (really!) if i don't, well. depends how near Zero you are on my list.

3. arrogance is earned. SO. don't have credentials, don't go around like popcorn. and get rid of that faint cloud of superiority wafting about. it spells Insecurity like an Indian boy at an American spelling bee.

am done. waiting for SUNDAY. SUNDAY SUNDAY SUNDAY. Noah's ark is coming to town, and i'm invited! and i want to see what cow milk looks like not in a packet. and i want to pat the pony. and ruffle the doggy. and play with the hamster. and damn, best part is. i'm with the balloon stall :( don't like rubber. want the real thing.

an interesting thing happened today. was on the bus home, and these people on the bus got on and alighted at the same stop as i did. suspected they were visiting my neighbour. they all looked like him- gangly and loud.

so anyway. i walked faster than them because people tend to walk slower in groups. ASK MUSH AND DORA AND THE REST OF THE WORLD. and turns out, yupp. neighbour's homie Gs.
thing is, i took the lift first. and i could have gotten into the house before they arrived, if my sister didn't take her time to unlock the gate. i swear, she was simply lurking behind the door, waiting for me to get annoyed.

and so the posse arrived and clambered out of the lift. saw me outside and the first guy went "WAH!" really loud. like he'd never seen a girl locked out of her home.


should have turned around, picked my nose and gone, "see what see!" while brandishing the offending bit of.. uh. stuff in his face.

am horribly unglam aren't I. pfft.

Friday, September 21, 2007

For Mash, Mesh, Mish, Mosh and everything else that isn't Mush.

ahaha. i is mean to mush.
Snorts. let me put this in context:

we'll all float on okay! says:

!nette says:
yes, someone does mush

we'll all float on okay! says:
*looks pointedly at you*

!nette says:
*looks pointedly back*

we'll all float on okay! says:

!nette says:
nuffink to blog

we'll all float on okay! says:
anything! give me something to reeead

!nette says:
am flattered though, thank you
now who else do you know that reads my blog
i can NEVER get anyone to admit to it

we'll all float on okay! says:
aw after all you are such an entertaining blogger *bats short lashes*
really! well uhm i bet dora does! and laura and strange unknown people

yes strange unknown people. time for you to 'fess up.

am not satisfied. could have pushed myself harder for prelims. so i will, for O levels. and i, together with the-rest-of-the-world, shall storm the halls of CJC in our hunger for knowledge and education. (snorts loud enough to shame a t-rex)

oh naw, it's not that CJ is horrible in any way. it's just the rest-of-the-world part. half of me is torn between wanting to stay with all my comfy old friends and making new friends without letting go of the rest ( inevitably, some will fall through the cracks). and the other half wants to throw me straight into the deep end of Strange Environments and Fresh Experiences. i am therefore, essentially, torn into three. what a lovely image.

it's a rather horrible feeling. JUST LIKE. dora told me the ending of the book im reading. it's called.. what's it called now. ( after running into the room and scanning the book cover) Special Topics in Calamity Physics. is it just me, or do i sound dead intellectual? (when i figure out that sentence, i'll let you know.)

shake Mush's hand, not mine. she gets all these fantastic books from, well, the library. anyway next i shall borrow the history of love, unless she's returned it. oh yes. back to the other book. apparently Hannah Schnieder dies, and the way it's described is "eerie." and i want to finish the book but i daren't. because i don't know if i do actually want to find out how she dies.

likewise. am torn between my comfort zone (which places CJC on a pedestal and consolidates rumours and horror stories about all the others) and going out there! to see a different side of school life, a different type of people, a different Everything.

poof. this is the sort of feeling that needs to be comforted by sinking into something big and squishy.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Because i know Jesus loves me (:

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Wanted: studybuddy

prelims are over. don't you smell the sweeter air. don't you see the happy smiles. don't you see the guilt-stricken faces of those who didn't put their heart and soul into the exams that will get them where they want to be? "Look in the mirror honey."

i am worried.ten years five years from now. where will i be? these awesome megastructures in the clouds, bridges turrets the whole shebang. they gonna make a hell lot of noise when they hit reality on the way down.

maybe i'll get through reasonably unscathed. maybe i won't. awgh. life's awfully short when maybes are factorised and tucked neatly away. but it seems so simple.
glucose+oxygen--> water+energy+carbon dioxide.

isn't that hard is it. donkeysmonkeyshipposgiraffeslionstigerselephantsmicerabbits get by, birds get by. sure you see a dead bird now and then, but then it provides nutrients for something else. it works out. they don't do anything. i know the Bible says not to worry about things. God has everything planned. even Solomon in his finest regalia was not clothed as one of the flowers in the field.

but then God helps those who help themselves. and im not sure i've been doing so much there's a big neon sign above my head, flashing invitingly for assistance. Focus doesn't seem to be in my files. not in My Documents not in All Files not anywhere. and it seems to have come as part of everyone's hardware except mine.

not complaining, really. just thinking. how do you download focus?

Friday, September 7, 2007


From Dora's blog. a whole post dedicated to ME. but oh don't be surprised. im used to it (:
continue reading!

nette & I were walking home together after bio lesson today, and suddenly we passed by this random stray cat.

It was white and had orange stripes (if my memory doesn't fail me). Then she went "look dora I can miaow at the cat" and I continued walking (because who can't?).

Then she said "are you going to watch me miaow at the cat or not?!" so I laughed and stopped walking. And then! She did this really realistic "miaow!" and the cat totally mewed back! (You must be going, so? What's the big deal? WAIT LA. Jeez.)

It nonchantly turned its head and went "miaow" back at Jeanette, and the whole atmosphere was so hilarious I was laughing non-stop. It was as if they were two human acquaintances saying hello to each other. I was extremely tickled cos apparently everytime nette mews at any random stray cat, they would ALWAYS mew back, like some sort of reply to her mew.

nette was so used to it she was no longer amused by it, unlike me. She said once a cat even tried to follow her home because of that. Do they actually understand her? Can't cats tell the difference between a human and a normal cat? What did they think she was, catwoman?

So I was trying to deduce what the cat actually "said" back. Maybe it's mew was a "hi" or a "howdy", or it could be a "go away stop disturbing my peace" or something. Haha and I told Jeanette she was the cat version of Dr. Dolittle.

She secretly talks to cats.

And there's this cute little waving cat at the bottom of her post! but i couldn't copy it. bah.
i don't know what im meowing at them either, but i figure it can't be that bad because i haven't gotten into a catfight yet. (kitty opponent or otherwise.)

picked it up from my grandma's old cat, Joey. i bet im telling them "i love you."