Friday, September 21, 2007

For Mash, Mesh, Mish, Mosh and everything else that isn't Mush.

ahaha. i is mean to mush.
Snorts. let me put this in context:

we'll all float on okay! says:

!nette says:
yes, someone does mush

we'll all float on okay! says:
*looks pointedly at you*

!nette says:
*looks pointedly back*

we'll all float on okay! says:

!nette says:
nuffink to blog

we'll all float on okay! says:
anything! give me something to reeead

!nette says:
am flattered though, thank you
now who else do you know that reads my blog
i can NEVER get anyone to admit to it

we'll all float on okay! says:
aw after all you are such an entertaining blogger *bats short lashes*
really! well uhm i bet dora does! and laura and strange unknown people

yes strange unknown people. time for you to 'fess up.

am not satisfied. could have pushed myself harder for prelims. so i will, for O levels. and i, together with the-rest-of-the-world, shall storm the halls of CJC in our hunger for knowledge and education. (snorts loud enough to shame a t-rex)

oh naw, it's not that CJ is horrible in any way. it's just the rest-of-the-world part. half of me is torn between wanting to stay with all my comfy old friends and making new friends without letting go of the rest ( inevitably, some will fall through the cracks). and the other half wants to throw me straight into the deep end of Strange Environments and Fresh Experiences. i am therefore, essentially, torn into three. what a lovely image.

it's a rather horrible feeling. JUST LIKE. dora told me the ending of the book im reading. it's called.. what's it called now. ( after running into the room and scanning the book cover) Special Topics in Calamity Physics. is it just me, or do i sound dead intellectual? (when i figure out that sentence, i'll let you know.)

shake Mush's hand, not mine. she gets all these fantastic books from, well, the library. anyway next i shall borrow the history of love, unless she's returned it. oh yes. back to the other book. apparently Hannah Schnieder dies, and the way it's described is "eerie." and i want to finish the book but i daren't. because i don't know if i do actually want to find out how she dies.

likewise. am torn between my comfort zone (which places CJC on a pedestal and consolidates rumours and horror stories about all the others) and going out there! to see a different side of school life, a different type of people, a different Everything.

poof. this is the sort of feeling that needs to be comforted by sinking into something big and squishy.