Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Frogman! (Cue funky superhero music)

wo dui chandler ng su ran qi jing. ( i suddenly have a great deal of respect for chandler ng.)
and you may choose to ignore the fangirling that carries on for the next few paragraphs.

I WAS PRACTICALLY SPOT ON WHEN I SAID HE WAS ONE OF THOSE INTREPID EXPLORERS! i must be psy-cheek. oh what he does is super super cool! no, not the boring dayjob he has as a trainee. he catches frogs and is helping the zoo in its frog-breeding programme. -faints from the sheer awesomeness-

zomgzomgzomgzomg. found my calling- i totally want to do something like that! can you imagine:
"Hi! what do you work as?"
"I play a part in conserving Singapore's decreasing rainforests and declining frog population."


okay, sounds pompous. but you get the idea. AHHHHHH, he so totally has one of the coolest jobs ever. come to think of it, he does look a little froggish :O hmm. i should go research giraffes instead. think about it- long eyelashes, long neck, uber tallness...
i have nothing to lose (:

bio lesson today was fun! our imaginary animal is a nehneh. so says dora the sicko. its an aneh-moneh-mone actually, and i'd scan it in, only im lazy to. now im gonna turn judas and proclaim that i don't want miss ng, because the new guy is loads better. sungei buloh might be totally cool all over again because now we know he has a keen eye. but i have my doubts about timing.


the school should take us out at night. and oh oh oh. when i find the cable that links my phone to the com (i seem to be losing cables all over the place), i'll show everyone dan's baby grand. sweet awesomeness. it actually made me consider getting one of her kind of wallets.

see chandler's frogblog :D