Friday, July 13, 2007

I'm not colourblind. I know the world is black and white.

i heard one of the most disgusting things today. i swear, dora is hornier than a rhino. and we didn't miss bio, so we can still show everyone neh-neh! (: anyway-

so much for falling asleep. SJI's lit seminar wasn't all bad.. but i wonder if i should've gone for the macbeth one instead. JLC presenters kept misquoting characters, so much i lost count. boo. was hoping for something like RI's.

and OH! funny thing happened. dora and i were on 151 reaching SJI, and we saw these little skirted figures all gathered round blowing their bagpipes. so. its a school for boys yes? so we watched them while discussing what an unusual sight it was: kilt-wearing singaporean boys! :O

later while queuing for the loo, i was greeted with an ample bosom of white ruffly lace. then i looked down and saw a a green tartan skirt. heh heh. so much for cross-dressing. the girls were giants zomg! amazonian comes to mind here, what with the flaming red hair and all.

their school today was mega full of girls! some overseas girls bagpipe (insert collective for bagpipe players here) were there, and there was the marching band, and st marg's, our school..