Thursday, December 13, 2007

Have moved.

New blog! Ask me if you want it.

Monday, November 26, 2007

I fell down on Saturday.

While playing Freeze 'n' Melt. (I always thought it was 'milk'.) My escaping skills are all rusty, i miscalculated the turn and gravity took over. somewhere in the back of my head, a little tree-feller was shouting and OMGGG. i was so embarrassed i could only sit on the ground and laugh. now i got boo boos :(

But Saturday was a weird day anyhow. During mass! I thought someone i knew was sitting in front of me. Was wondering why he didn't turn around to say hello. And i was wondering throughout Mass. Finally. During the Sign of Peace, the 'stranger' turned around and gave me a shock. It was not the friend in question, that fella's nose was all smooshed flat! What if i pushed the stranger's head in greeting!

Then. My sister got annoyed because i held out my hand but flipped it just before she could hold it during the Our Father. And during the Peace time, i opened my arms to nearly-hug her and she just stood there.

"Peace man!"
"... ... "

Wokay. Dejectedly, i turned around to wish the fella behind. And getting a very amused expression in return. Ah booyah. An eye-witness to the rejection! If i didn't know better, I'd think i created these situations.

Talking about situations.

Is this not cool! And i can reedit and pronunce the peepuls' names :D

A Literal Translation
"Here is Marie. Who is it? It is Marie. She is the child of Mr and Mrs Mercier. She is the sister of Paul. Where is Paul? Ah! Here is Paul. Who is he? He is the brother of Marie. "

Then Marie and Paul tell you who they are, sister of Paul and brother of Marie respectively, and suddenly Paul points at this man walking in the garden. He cries out in a tremulous voice. "ZOMG. Who are these blackandwhytes! Intruding into our little grammar lecture as we try to teach extraterrestrials the ways of our Paperback. They know not what sacred ground they tread upon."

Marie peers over his shoulder and eyes afore-mentioned suspects before slapping her brother on the head. "Idiot! C'est Monsieur Mercier et Madame Mercier. Our father and mother."

Well, neither of them really did or said that. But now you know La Famille Mercier! The real passage continues as such.

"Who is that man? It is Mr Mercier. He is the father of Marie and Paul. Mrs Mercier is their mother. " Mr Mercier calls out, " Paul, are you in the dining room?"

The end.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

And this is why..

Now i know all sorts of Laws, and will casually flick them into conversations to annoy the hell out of people.
"You know, like Godwin's Law?"
"Who's that?"
"You don't know? Mike Godwin! You knoww, that guy.. "
"omg how can you not know who Godwin is!" *
But not soon, MSN is screwing up my com. Everytime i sign on, the monitor goes blue and tells me "Windows has encountered a problem" before taking much initiative by restarting. It annoys me and annoyers do not enjoy being annoyed. Two cannot play at the same game unless i win. Which is why i give up on computer chess. I eat its bishop and it eats my queen. Pick on someone your size man.

I think i will spend time coming up with a Law of my own. But not my first name. Nothing billboards UNIVERSAL like Murphy or Keynes yes. Or perhaps Kitt's Law. (If George Kingsley Zipf could pinch the end of his name and dump it on , so can i. Except my law won't look as awesomemath as his.)

Right. I've got the Name, the advertisement (you heard it here first), all i need is a adage that looks like a clever comment on society. So now i run off to ponder my witty one-liner that will leave the world gasping for air because it is so incredibly.. awesome.
*i won't be such a shit la. mwahaha.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

The fastest way to travel is by candlelight

i would like to capture moments, freeze them and revisit them once in a while. not photographs. something like a pensieve, where you can re-experience the moment. and that would be cooler than a fridge in the Arctic.

yesterday was churchies'catchingupday. (a churchie is a friend in church. says me.) met anak and jo at the sec 3's activity day, then lunching with llama and sarah, then dinner at the friary with the sec 3 catechists. OMG SARAH CHEONG'S ANT JOKES.

"what's the ant with the highest position in the colony?"
llama and i stared at her.
"don't know. what's it?"

then she started cackling for the next 78257625 ant jokes. i bet the people studying next to us wanted to strangle her! of course there was the "who's the hottest/sexiest/most beautiful ant in the colony?" (no prizes for guessing who) her ant jokes are gonna become as ubiquitous as Yo Momma jokes, and one day, as well-known as "why did the chicken cross the road?" sarah cheong is so lame she's funny, she makes you go O:, D:, l:,

and llama's romeo and juliet mystery! and static charges. i concluded that llama's hair is better than sarah's, the charges it creates make more paper bits FLYYY :D

at night there was the dinner. unfortunately we didn't get served by the chipmunk, nor did we have fries (geddit? friary? fries? chips? monks?) :B and I WANT TO BECOME A FRIARRRRR WHEN I GROW UP. omgg the place is gorgeousness. with a doggie named Tricks. aha cute.

(pauses solemnly)

cherylteosuwen broke the place. HAHAHA. she pulled the sliding door open and the lock fell off. then after dinner, she sat down and this bell ornament tumbled off the christmas tree. omg the look on her face was classic. i was lucky enough to see the same expression twice- it's an ohshit and herewegoagain combilook.

later we were playing Polar Bear, and she got killed off in the first round for the first few games. she was so agitated because she couldn't play. i haven't laughed so hard continuously for a long time. jeremy's comments only made it funnier. "she takes it personally!" then she lunged forward, and i only managed to hear "this girl" and "karma!" over the laughter.

the first round she wasn't a villager, she was a polar bear. and a damn fantastic polarbear. i was right next to her and i didn't suspect a thing! only timothy suspected her, but she killed him off before he could do anything major. when he found out who she was, he burst out "I KNEW IT!" you should have seen him, his eyes were practically bulging.

Polarbear's megafun to play. everyone should play it! and if you die early, you get to hang around watching the rest get killed. like emmanuel pointed out, you know the princes from stardust? we just sit there, clap and go "oooh."

honestly i haven't had so much fun in a long while. now it REALLY feels like O's are over.
-beams- llama, sarah and anak. <33>
and oh! prom peektures.
i told you! OBIWAN KENOBI! i heart her boots. they are sexy boots.

table 3 the lucky table (:
aand i forgot to sweep the hair out of my eyes. laura called me the "one-eyed monster." here i proved her wrong. you can't see my other eye either.

a rather blurry class photo. look at all the teeny faces! but check mrs L out! first row, extreme left in the orange top. she looks our age!
omggg. i miss 2007 already.

Friday, November 16, 2007

Of stars and nights to remember

Last night was awesome. everyone was totally glamorousss, and i took peektures with Lucy Liu and Obiwan Kenobi :D jealous riight. but i have nothing on this com , so you can see all the pretties later on.

and the Woolly Affair almost made me tear. only i was afraid my mascara would smudge. i don't want to say byebye to 2007 and 4/4 just yet! and it seems like the first day of school was just yesterday. and like i should be studying.. (this is the part i start bawling.)

i wish i had a babylon candle. that and pretty hair that starts glowing when i'm happy and rested. how awesome that would be. we gave mrs alex her present and card today! well, her cubbyhole received it anyway. but i forgot to scan it because i was in such a rush. blast.

and this is a terribly put together post. let me start right from the beginning.

wednesday: made contacts! but they tire my eyes horribly. went for grandpa's dinner, where thecousins had a table all to ourselves outside the room (i maintain it was a ploy so the adults could eat in peace), and drew a few glares because the resident 6-year-old was getting very into his pokemon game.

thursday: went last-minute shopping for my shoes before meeting tsiyin at her house and dressing up. (spent half an hour trying to get the right lens in.) but practice makes perfect! i'll get it sooner or later. and then off we went to conrad centennial all dressed up! much love to tsiyin and family <3

there was much squealingandscreaming and camwhoring and eating and merrymaking. and cheering because table 3 is a wonderfully lucky table! half of us won prizes and the whole table won in a 'table luckydraw'. moley was HIGHer than usual, and not just literally. she livened up the corner our table was in!

mrs low gave a lovely speech, littered with Joy Luck references, and all the Geog girls were making puzzled faces. but i thought it was perfect. i think i will MISS my teachers very muchhh.
:'( but last night was pretty awesome, and it wouldn't have been without my tablemates.
laura, dora, mush, astrid, moley, ching, dan, jesmine, sharon, cheryl, tsi yin, desiree, yi fen. <33

today: went back to school to get our PAE pin numbers after waking with a start when i misread the numbers on the clock.

I AM GOING ON AND ON. and so i will stop until i can come up with something constructive. toodles.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

I think hiatuses work better when you don't announce them.

watched Stardust today, but missed like 5 minutes of it BECAUSE THERE WAS AN EMERGENCY IN THE BUILDING. and this woman with lousy pronunciation kept interrupting with her repeat announcements. how to watch movie! we shuffled out, only to be told there was no emergency. so nobody knows what happened for 300 seconds.

and there was no complimentary refund no nothing. bunch of toadies >:(

anyway. i feel strangely liberated. but not enough. post-bio, sitting at the foodcourt, i looked down at my bio textbook, and "you should be studying" popped into my head. how sickening. see what the system is doing to us. ching and astrid were so stressed they ripped their entry proofs (plural of proof) apart immediately after the paper. not me, i get nostalgic. 20 years down the road, i want to look back and remark sagely before cackling at some random little sec 4 mugging on the train.

my eyes are getting tired. i need a good night's rest. finally.

Thursday, November 8, 2007


Cloony the Clown by Shel Silverstein

I'll tell you the story of Cloony the Clown
Who worked in a circus that came through town.
His shoes were too big and his hat was too small,
But he just wasn't, just wasn't funny at all.

He had a trombone to play loud silly tunes,
He had a green dog and a thousand balloons.
He was floppy and sloppy and skinny and tall,
But he just wasn't, just wasn't funny at all.

And every time he did a trick,
Everyone felt a little sick.
And every time he told a joke,
Folks sighed as if their hearts were broke.

And every time he lost a shoe,
Everyone looked awfully blue.
And every time he stood on his head,
Everyone screamed, "Go back to bed!"

And every time he made a leap,
Everybody fell asleep.
And every time he ate his tie,
Everyone began to cry.

And Cloony could not make any money
Simply because he was not funny.
One day he said, "I'll tell this town
How it feels to be an unfunny clown."

And he told them all why he looked so sad,
And he told them all why he felt so bad.
He told of Pain and Rain and Cold,
He told of Darkness in his soul,
And after he finished his tale of woe,
Did everyone cry? Oh no, no, no,

They laughed until they shook the trees
With "Hah-Hah-Hahs" and "Hee-Hee-Hees."
They laughed with howls and yowls and shrieks,
They laughed all day, they laughed all week,
They laughed until they had a fit,
They laughed until their jackets split.

The laughter spread for miles around
To every city, every town,
Over mountains, 'cross the sea,
From Saint Tropez to Mun San Nee.
And soon the whole world rang with laughter,
Lasting till forever after,
While Cloony stood in the circus tent,
With his head drooped low and his shoulders bent.

And while the world laughed outside.
Cloony the Clown sat down and cried.

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Lost and Found

Today kinda started off as a Lost day.
one side of my Peace sign earrings are missing :( how can you be a closet-hippy with one side i ask you. pfft.

and then i lost my common sense. decided to wear my heels after forgetting that they give me Blisters. (observe the use of the capital 'B'. can be alternatively read as !blisters)
of course it became a Found day after the shoe began chafing my heel. no prizes for guessing what turned up.

on the bright side, i have that picture of the cute little girls i saw at the animal fair. on the scary side, there's only one little girl in the picture. the other one disappeared :O

i assure you she was much cuter when there was a second kid next to her. they were (i keep forgetting) she was watching the hamster race. pictures are up in the parish newspaper and there's this cute (again!) shot of a weetle boy on the pony. eh eh, i take that back. not any pony. Peppy the Pony. we're close (waves finger between me and imaginary pony), first-name basis.

but believe me, he looks better with his mouth closed. ponies have that whole in-out-in-out tongue thing. all the time. makes you squeamish after a while. plus, it tried to trample me while i was stroking it! i lie, llama was there. was probably trying to trample her.

ooh i should stop this compulsive lying. i think it got scared by the german shepard that was passing behind us, and so it reared and neighed, a bit. but yeah, point is, ponies are only pretty with their mouths closed.

so i don't see why there's this stereotype about little girls liking ponies. okay bye. i really have to start studying proper. and lose weight to look good for prom. yes that too.
tag replies: anak! it's been so long! oh and thank you for the good luck haha (:

Friday, September 28, 2007



i have a pet peeve. scratch that, a few. since complaining is fun.

1. smokers should be banned from trains. they stink. and make my nose hurt.

2. am a private person, if i like you i share my lifestory and i don't care if you get bored. because i like you. (really!) if i don't, well. depends how near Zero you are on my list.

3. arrogance is earned. SO. don't have credentials, don't go around like popcorn. and get rid of that faint cloud of superiority wafting about. it spells Insecurity like an Indian boy at an American spelling bee.

am done. waiting for SUNDAY. SUNDAY SUNDAY SUNDAY. Noah's ark is coming to town, and i'm invited! and i want to see what cow milk looks like not in a packet. and i want to pat the pony. and ruffle the doggy. and play with the hamster. and damn, best part is. i'm with the balloon stall :( don't like rubber. want the real thing.

an interesting thing happened today. was on the bus home, and these people on the bus got on and alighted at the same stop as i did. suspected they were visiting my neighbour. they all looked like him- gangly and loud.

so anyway. i walked faster than them because people tend to walk slower in groups. ASK MUSH AND DORA AND THE REST OF THE WORLD. and turns out, yupp. neighbour's homie Gs.
thing is, i took the lift first. and i could have gotten into the house before they arrived, if my sister didn't take her time to unlock the gate. i swear, she was simply lurking behind the door, waiting for me to get annoyed.

and so the posse arrived and clambered out of the lift. saw me outside and the first guy went "WAH!" really loud. like he'd never seen a girl locked out of her home.


should have turned around, picked my nose and gone, "see what see!" while brandishing the offending bit of.. uh. stuff in his face.

am horribly unglam aren't I. pfft.

Friday, September 21, 2007

For Mash, Mesh, Mish, Mosh and everything else that isn't Mush.

ahaha. i is mean to mush.
Snorts. let me put this in context:

we'll all float on okay! says:

!nette says:
yes, someone does mush

we'll all float on okay! says:
*looks pointedly at you*

!nette says:
*looks pointedly back*

we'll all float on okay! says:

!nette says:
nuffink to blog

we'll all float on okay! says:
anything! give me something to reeead

!nette says:
am flattered though, thank you
now who else do you know that reads my blog
i can NEVER get anyone to admit to it

we'll all float on okay! says:
aw after all you are such an entertaining blogger *bats short lashes*
really! well uhm i bet dora does! and laura and strange unknown people

yes strange unknown people. time for you to 'fess up.

am not satisfied. could have pushed myself harder for prelims. so i will, for O levels. and i, together with the-rest-of-the-world, shall storm the halls of CJC in our hunger for knowledge and education. (snorts loud enough to shame a t-rex)

oh naw, it's not that CJ is horrible in any way. it's just the rest-of-the-world part. half of me is torn between wanting to stay with all my comfy old friends and making new friends without letting go of the rest ( inevitably, some will fall through the cracks). and the other half wants to throw me straight into the deep end of Strange Environments and Fresh Experiences. i am therefore, essentially, torn into three. what a lovely image.

it's a rather horrible feeling. JUST LIKE. dora told me the ending of the book im reading. it's called.. what's it called now. ( after running into the room and scanning the book cover) Special Topics in Calamity Physics. is it just me, or do i sound dead intellectual? (when i figure out that sentence, i'll let you know.)

shake Mush's hand, not mine. she gets all these fantastic books from, well, the library. anyway next i shall borrow the history of love, unless she's returned it. oh yes. back to the other book. apparently Hannah Schnieder dies, and the way it's described is "eerie." and i want to finish the book but i daren't. because i don't know if i do actually want to find out how she dies.

likewise. am torn between my comfort zone (which places CJC on a pedestal and consolidates rumours and horror stories about all the others) and going out there! to see a different side of school life, a different type of people, a different Everything.

poof. this is the sort of feeling that needs to be comforted by sinking into something big and squishy.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Because i know Jesus loves me (:

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Wanted: studybuddy

prelims are over. don't you smell the sweeter air. don't you see the happy smiles. don't you see the guilt-stricken faces of those who didn't put their heart and soul into the exams that will get them where they want to be? "Look in the mirror honey."

i am worried.ten years five years from now. where will i be? these awesome megastructures in the clouds, bridges turrets the whole shebang. they gonna make a hell lot of noise when they hit reality on the way down.

maybe i'll get through reasonably unscathed. maybe i won't. awgh. life's awfully short when maybes are factorised and tucked neatly away. but it seems so simple.
glucose+oxygen--> water+energy+carbon dioxide.

isn't that hard is it. donkeysmonkeyshipposgiraffeslionstigerselephantsmicerabbits get by, birds get by. sure you see a dead bird now and then, but then it provides nutrients for something else. it works out. they don't do anything. i know the Bible says not to worry about things. God has everything planned. even Solomon in his finest regalia was not clothed as one of the flowers in the field.

but then God helps those who help themselves. and im not sure i've been doing so much there's a big neon sign above my head, flashing invitingly for assistance. Focus doesn't seem to be in my files. not in My Documents not in All Files not anywhere. and it seems to have come as part of everyone's hardware except mine.

not complaining, really. just thinking. how do you download focus?

Friday, September 7, 2007


From Dora's blog. a whole post dedicated to ME. but oh don't be surprised. im used to it (:
continue reading!

nette & I were walking home together after bio lesson today, and suddenly we passed by this random stray cat.

It was white and had orange stripes (if my memory doesn't fail me). Then she went "look dora I can miaow at the cat" and I continued walking (because who can't?).

Then she said "are you going to watch me miaow at the cat or not?!" so I laughed and stopped walking. And then! She did this really realistic "miaow!" and the cat totally mewed back! (You must be going, so? What's the big deal? WAIT LA. Jeez.)

It nonchantly turned its head and went "miaow" back at Jeanette, and the whole atmosphere was so hilarious I was laughing non-stop. It was as if they were two human acquaintances saying hello to each other. I was extremely tickled cos apparently everytime nette mews at any random stray cat, they would ALWAYS mew back, like some sort of reply to her mew.

nette was so used to it she was no longer amused by it, unlike me. She said once a cat even tried to follow her home because of that. Do they actually understand her? Can't cats tell the difference between a human and a normal cat? What did they think she was, catwoman?

So I was trying to deduce what the cat actually "said" back. Maybe it's mew was a "hi" or a "howdy", or it could be a "go away stop disturbing my peace" or something. Haha and I told Jeanette she was the cat version of Dr. Dolittle.

She secretly talks to cats.

And there's this cute little waving cat at the bottom of her post! but i couldn't copy it. bah.
i don't know what im meowing at them either, but i figure it can't be that bad because i haven't gotten into a catfight yet. (kitty opponent or otherwise.)

picked it up from my grandma's old cat, Joey. i bet im telling them "i love you."

Friday, August 31, 2007

That guy with the curl

1.The lovely cartoon that was published on August the 17th wasn't my comic yo. i got it off Am flattered you thought i came up with that (: but that is the work of a ex-NASA scientist.

2.Flooble not working. went back to shoutbox! aand im not sure why i needed to tell you that.

The Teachers' Day concert this year was extremely well put together i must say. well done organisers! i swear, mr tang looked like a weetle boy in his rodeo outfit :D Like, he made me want to "button up his sweater and pat his head." (JLC, although i'm not too sure if that's quoted correctly.) it's that aw shucks he sho cute kind of feeling.

THEN. i succumbed to temptation and went to watch Hairspray. EVERY TIME ZAC EFRON APPEARED, THIS GROUP OF GIRLS IN THE THEATRE SCREAMED. SCREAMED, I KID YOU NOT. i am objective. i do not swoon when his "neon blue" eyes sparkle, i didn't squeal when he winked at his reflection, i didn't even squeak when he declared his lurve for the female protagonist. but i like his Superman curl.

it is a very charming curl (:

Update: aka spoiler (10.05pm)

Dora's blog made me feel like elaborating on the movie. good show, got heart. and the BIG IS BEAUTIFUL take was so cute. like "who needs a twig when you can have the whole tree?" there was the topic of racism as well, and Seaweed (Elijah Kelley) was all "The blacker the berry, the sweeter the juice. The darker the chocolate, the richer the taste." :D power to the people doood.

omgosh i love the cheesiness of the showww. old school is new again man.
with the curls and tuxes and frilly dresses! but john travolta makes one scary woman. was terrified there'd be a homophobic moment. anyway, he has manly hands and at the end! he wears a mini! -insert collective shudder here-

last thing. listen out for the last song in Hairspray. it sounds remarkably similar to that High School Musical "stick to the status quo" song! (like the national day song Home and There's no place I'd rather be.) listen.

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Mmm. Smell that freedom.

oh the freedom of being online. without worrying about tomorrow's paper. oh the bliss. oh the pleasure. oh the-. have you met my pet dinosaur?

am highly unoriginal, so i stole the idea from the guy who runs :D
but his diplodocus diplodicus FORGET IT. his dinosaur-with-the-long-neck! was rather titchy. meet !ally. notice the exclamation mark in front? yeah, that means you have to shout it. like " meet !ALLY" hahahaha.

allosaurus, jurassic era. i know this is rather random, but when i grow up? im gonna give my kid an Afrikaan name. and sarah cheong! comes up with the funniest things.

!nette says:
when i grow up i might just give my kid an african name

Sarah says:
like zimboowataka

!nette says:
can you imagine

!nette says:
where did you come up with a name like that!?

Sarah says:
pure genius

!nette says:
!zimboowataka come clean your room up

Sarah says:
And for short you can call him zimb
or zimbo

Sarah says:
of course its a he!

!nette says:

Sarah says:
For the girl

!nette says:
what's his sister
BIBMO ZOMG! *editor's note: typo la

Sarah says:
it can be zimbowatakeekee!

so i call the girl keekee for short. wah heng. lucky the kids will take on their father's surname.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007


the iudfhsukdfhsd chem paper's tomorrow and i hardly understand electrochemistry.


Friday, August 17, 2007

Thursday, August 16, 2007


yay. am pretty satisfied i think. even though i have this niggling feeling i should have said more. (pauses) but i made them laugh. that counts right! even though i have no idea why they laughed.

think i'll pass. stumbled over "sepak tekraw" and the rest of the picture though. and i used my weetle brother as an example :D convo was about winning. and he asked if i thought winning was everything. i used Putt-Putt Enters the Race! ahaha, betcha don't know that one. n00bs :D

"It's not whether you win or lose, it's about how you race around the track!"
that's putt-putt, and he says it in this faux-texan accent. awesome game. i always win.

OH OH. while we were waiting in the holding room, mrs alex said to give the examiners some time to discuss. "Count to a hundred and then knock on the door," she said. right. so when my turn came, i sat there. and beat came out. and i counted. and then! this lovely breeze blew past so of course i closed my eyes to savour the moment. and lost count.

YES. losing count was inevitable i should say. why'd mrs alex give us such a huge number anyway huh. so i picked a middle-y number, 47 i think and started from there. sniggers. at 62, the examiner came out and asked if i was going to come in. time sure flies when you're counting.

and when i finished my exam, this random little table bumped into me. i swear! it must have been waiting to ambush me. my hips told me. and you all know what they say- hips don't lie.

Saturday, August 11, 2007


My nonarrival in the city of N.
took place on the dot.

You'd been alerted
in my unmailed letter.

You were able not to be there
at the agreed-upon time.

The train pulled up at Platform 3.
A lot of people got out.

My absence joined the throng
as it made its way toward the exit.

Several women rushed
to take my place
in all that rush.

Somebody ran up to one of them.
I didn't know him,
but she recognized him

While they kissed
with not our lips,
a suitcase disappeared,
not mine.

The railroad station in the city of N.
passed its exam
in objective existence
with flying colors.

The whole remained in place.
Particulars scurried
along the designated tracks.

Even a rendezvous
took place as planned.

Beyond the reach
of our presence.

In the paradise lost
of probability.

Somewhere else.
Somewhere else.
How these little words ring.

-Wislawa Szymborska

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

my squeaky shoes and me

a la chip skylar (you know who he is and i love you! you don't, well, pfft. go find out or something.)

i do not like my school shoes. they squeak when they're wet. and what school-going child never steps in puddles!? hello mister schoolshoemaker, didn't think of that, did we now. i do not like my school shoes. they make toddlers jealous.

at the mrt station yesterday, and all the tiny munchkins who went to the nearby NTUC with their grandmas were staring like hell at my feet. is it my fault squeaky shoes are the epitome of peewee-popularity? jealous ah? jealous ah? pfft.

so i was listening to Sweet Child Of Mine, (yes, that cool song with awesome guitar riffs and goes suprisingly well with squeaks every alternating second) and as i walked out of the station, the ending of the song was particularly apt.

"where do we go now where do we go now."
we go burn them stupid shoes. pfft.

on a happier note, dora's new username is awesome.
"music is love in search of a word." beautiful (:

Saturday, August 4, 2007

wo bu zhi dao.

1. Put your music player on shuffle.
2. Press forward for each question.
3. Use the song title as the answer to the question.

How am i feeling today?-Shawn Colvin: Sunny Came Home

Will i get far in life? – Sheryl Crow and Sting: Always on your side (whatever that means)

How do my friends see me? – Tyler Hilton: When It Comes

Where will i get married? – Stars: Your ex-lover is dead. (fantastic, this bodes well indeed -.-)

What is my best friend's theme song? – The Killers: Romeo and Juliet

What is the story of my life? – Something Corporate: I want to save you (pfft)

What is/was high school like? – Guns N' Roses: Sweet child of mine

How can i get ahead in life? – The Calling: Wherever you will go (ooh.)

What is the best thing about me? – The Fray: Fall away

What is today going to be like? – (snorts) Snow Patrol: Make this go on forever

What is in store for this weekend? – Jem: Maybe i'm amazed

What song describes my parent(s) – Kings Of Convenience: I 'd rather dance with you (aww.)

To describe my grandparents? – Jason Mraz: Curbside prophet (oh my.)

How is my life going? – Jason Mraz and Tristan Prettyman: Shy that way

How does the world see me? – Something Corporate: Watch the sky

Will i have a happy life? –Grease soundtrack: Summer Love

What do my friends really think of me?- Switchfoot: Only Hope (HA. HA. HA)

Do people secretly lust after me? – The Fray : Over my head. (uh huh. the mp3 has spoken)

How can i make myself happy? – Michael Learns to Rock: Sleeping Child. (a very productive past-time indeed!)

What should i do with my life? - (OOOOH..) Tim Mcgraw: Live like you were dying

Will i ever have children? – The Wannadies: You and Me. (just the two of us huh.)

aaand this is a fantastic time-waster.

got sunshine?

i have done good, two figurative bricks off my figurative wall.
and i should not be here.

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

it's taken me this long to realise, that all this while, i've been taking the people around me for granted. expecting them to be there twentyfourseven, when i can't don't always promise the same thing myself.

i'm sorry i've alienated the people close to me. i'm afraid i got so caught up with myself and my worries, i built a wall around me, to keep me in and unfortunately keep them out. i've screwed everything up this time.

some of the loveliest people around, i haven't talked to for weeks, maybe even months . those i don't get to see face to face, those i see five times a week. i don't know how to talk to my grandma anymore, i still don't know how to broach a conversation with my grandpa, i haven't sat down and chatted with my parents for a while. i don't know why you walk past acting as if you hardly know me. i haven't said more than a few words to dan or ching or sarah or llama or becca. i don't know what's happening in my family, i don't know what's happening at home. i don't bloody know what's going on in the lives of the people i care about the most.

and it's taken me this long to realise how lonely i've become, spending the past few weeks setting the stupid wall. brick by brick. all by my thick-headed self.

i'm sorry.

Friday, July 27, 2007


movies have horrible timing >:(

i wanna wanna watch stardust. and zomg. you have to have to check out the moviesite. it's the most gorgeous thing ever. all that detail -swoons- i love it. honest, the detail is incredible.

and oh, dora made me sound so terribly smart in her blog :D about the SJI lit seminar.

An example will be some "quote" from the Sorci family (I must admit at first I totally forgot who the Sorci family was) but upon re-reading that part I realized the Sorci family hardly said anything at all, my my and it is actually quite impressive that nette could immediately spot the mistake ho ho.

And then in the middle of the last presentation I suddenly heard a soft "ha!" from nette and she suddenly whipped open her JLC book and flipped through the pages, then with a satisfied look pointed out to me that the quote they quoted from Jing-Mei was actually said by Waverly.

That was something nette drew on her foolscap when this POMPOUS guy came out to present and started becoming... strange.

hee hee. y'all never suspected there're actually people out there who recognise my intellectual capacity right. (looks smug)

i will study oh i will study. 20 days to prelims and i am not studying. sduhfiasdufiadgf. its the curse of complacency, i know i think i'll rise to the occasion. yes, i am very in touch with the inner nette. but OH FOR MY BROTHER'S SAKE! there's only so much you can rise if you haven't been working your butt off like the rest of singapore's 16 year olds.

a friend was right, the prelims do bloody creep up on you. PFFFT. now you can say "i told you so." :( it's too late for the IP isn't it. dagnabbit!

Thursday, July 26, 2007

But most of all, when snowflakes fall, I wish you love.


i like that word, it's got a certain grace about it.

was gonna go on about how awesome the week's been, but i just found out that Father Fossien passed away this morning. he baptised me, and one of my earliest memories is watching this old old caucasian man, with brown suspenders and black-rimmed reading glasses, sitting in an armchair, calling me to him. "ahhh, zsha-nette.." one of my earliest memories, and my only one of him.

but i guess that's what the week's been, and Life's about. Fleeting. y'see, the good times always pass faster, and sooner or later, you forget the things that once seemed so terribly important.

sungei buloh was fantastic. there's this wildness about it, different from the clautrophobic rainforests, different from the open ocean. the day we went, the rain couldn't make up its mind. so the whole route along the mangroves was deliciously alternating between chill and warm. and omg, the whole thing was incredibly poetic!

stop at the bridge about a few hundred metres after it forks, and there's this place where the egrets roost. the sky is a dreary grey, and the rising tide brings the salty briny wind in. right on the line where sea touches sky, the mangrove trees kind of fit in nicely like stage curtains. and on the trees, you see this whole flock of white birds. omgosh, gorgeousness. it's like a water colour painting i swear.

i so want to be a guide there. and oh. hoho, i found out chandler's real name. he announced it to the whole world. and it's the name of my favourite little boy earlier this year zomg. who in turn reminds me of a pelican. (says in a Mufasa voice: we are all connected..)

suddenly feel lonely. pfft.

Eternal light shine upon him, may he rest in peace. Amen.

Friday, July 20, 2007

racially harmonised


i 'Suyuan'-ed today. my "long-cherished wish" of wearing a sari was fulfilled! snorts. and i can tell you i admire miss krishna very much. saris are totally tricky, swear they are. and i had so much trouble getting it on pfft.

and after cher ran out with me to find an Indian teacher to help me put it on! we stood right in front of the stairs putting on a DIY-sari exhibit, and after i watched my blouse go lower and lower and the lovely woman -bless her- stuffed in more and more sari material which was painstakingly pleated, and after we raced back for mr f's lesson, i realised i couldn't do something extremely important. (pauses)

y'see. the sari was tucked into shorts.

the whole day i tell you. until ms ng's lesson. i decided i wouldn't ruin my kidneys for a sari. "my kidneys for a sari!" a la "my kingdom for a horse". so dan and i pounded to the ladies' in our saris with ching, and this is where the history teacher's wise words come in.

a girl raced by class during history, miss j looked out, turned to us and said
"and that is why you should never run in a sari." its 'orrible. you can't move.

O: I BET A MAN INVENTED THE SARI. same reasoning behind the original reason for heels, bound feet, and the sari omg. impair the female's ability to move so you can offer a gallant hand. picture this:

Ancient China:
Female sitting on cart looks uncertainly at soft muddy uneven ground, then at her teeny tightly-bound 3-inch feet.
Male: "come on honey, i'll hold your hand and support you while i look like a real man who cares for his woman, even though i would never have married you if you didn't have bound feet."

Ancient India:
"my brother's going on a journe..."
(whoops, heh heh. wrong database)
Male: "come on honey, we walk slowly so i can digest my curry and you can keep up with me if you try to run in your sari."

Hollywood red carpet event:
Male: " come on honey, place your arm on mine so i can support you on the heels in which you look totally gorgeous but are making you totter ever so precariously, just in case you trip and embarrass the both of us. "

hmm, maybe not entirely the guy's fault. but it made an interesting blogpost didn't it :D
might post pictures of laura, dan and i in our saris, if laura actually comes online. till then!

Sunday, July 15, 2007

twinker twinker litter starrr

the little girls in my class are bimbos. am ashamed for their parents.
they're subservient and unimaginative. and despite being clad in hot eye-searing pink from top to toe, them mini females are not colourful. at all. the little boys on the other hand (: i talk their talk. ho ho ho.

in class today, there was a little man who will grow up to be real successful. pairs of little people had to enact good deeds, and he and his partner shuffled up to the white board. i think they discussed a little, because they were sitting in front of me. anyway, he got stage fright.

so, he's frozen in front of the whiteboard yes. and suddenly! he sticks out his fingers and goes:
"twinkle twinkle little star.."

the class was stunned into silence, and then they roared with laughter. they so cuuuteee, watching them laugh like little crazy monkeys made me laugh. that is what laughing should be like. so the teacher went:

"oh okay. is there anything else you want to sing for the class? or act out?"
and he nods his head shyly. so we all wait for his good deed, and he puts his fingers together.
"twinkle twinkle little star.."

the monkeys went crazy again. so, if he's able to embarrass himself over and over again, and laugh with the people who are laughing at him, i think he'll be a preety well-adjusted, successful little man (:

that. or a porn star.

Friday, July 13, 2007

I'm not colourblind. I know the world is black and white.

i heard one of the most disgusting things today. i swear, dora is hornier than a rhino. and we didn't miss bio, so we can still show everyone neh-neh! (: anyway-

so much for falling asleep. SJI's lit seminar wasn't all bad.. but i wonder if i should've gone for the macbeth one instead. JLC presenters kept misquoting characters, so much i lost count. boo. was hoping for something like RI's.

and OH! funny thing happened. dora and i were on 151 reaching SJI, and we saw these little skirted figures all gathered round blowing their bagpipes. so. its a school for boys yes? so we watched them while discussing what an unusual sight it was: kilt-wearing singaporean boys! :O

later while queuing for the loo, i was greeted with an ample bosom of white ruffly lace. then i looked down and saw a a green tartan skirt. heh heh. so much for cross-dressing. the girls were giants zomg! amazonian comes to mind here, what with the flaming red hair and all.

their school today was mega full of girls! some overseas girls bagpipe (insert collective for bagpipe players here) were there, and there was the marching band, and st marg's, our school..

Thursday, July 12, 2007

red and white, black and blue

HOHOHO. but that's not the point, i just like showing off because i know my sister reads this :D
talking about relatives, none of my friends or family should work with burn victims. they are sympathy-deficient, very much so.

ANYWAY. i have realised our haphazardly thrown together bio group is coolio. we are a bunch of sick geniuses, because. has anyone realised the potential of the neh-neh! (clears throat) i'll explain.

"but i want to show _(insert target audience here)_ our neh-neh!"
"but i want to see their expressions!"
"but i want to see what everyone else has!"

nobody wants to show the class with me though, dora's assured me i can be a one-woman show. but we're missing tomorrow's bio lesson altogether! am very dismayed, haven't seen all the other groups and we won't get to see ours either :(

astrid, cheryl and sharon do a good job yo!
should've asked ty to let me see everyone's earlier bahh.
on the bright side, i can show you dan's baby grand!

it's so totally the coolest thing you've seen, admit it :D
i want one of those clam-shell wallets too-ooh.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007



the chem pract test was screwed. spent so much time on the first part because the silly burette was faulty. the clip didn't sit properly. and when i finally settled it, i singed my finger hair >:(

RAHHHHH. i was swearing under my breath and cursing all the lab equipment. and when i tried to gain sympathy after pract, i shoved my hand under dora's nose, and didn't get much sympathy. boo. the hair curled okay. and frizzled and burned off.

it feels rather bare now. my hand. :(

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Frogman! (Cue funky superhero music)

wo dui chandler ng su ran qi jing. ( i suddenly have a great deal of respect for chandler ng.)
and you may choose to ignore the fangirling that carries on for the next few paragraphs.

I WAS PRACTICALLY SPOT ON WHEN I SAID HE WAS ONE OF THOSE INTREPID EXPLORERS! i must be psy-cheek. oh what he does is super super cool! no, not the boring dayjob he has as a trainee. he catches frogs and is helping the zoo in its frog-breeding programme. -faints from the sheer awesomeness-

zomgzomgzomgzomg. found my calling- i totally want to do something like that! can you imagine:
"Hi! what do you work as?"
"I play a part in conserving Singapore's decreasing rainforests and declining frog population."


okay, sounds pompous. but you get the idea. AHHHHHH, he so totally has one of the coolest jobs ever. come to think of it, he does look a little froggish :O hmm. i should go research giraffes instead. think about it- long eyelashes, long neck, uber tallness...
i have nothing to lose (:

bio lesson today was fun! our imaginary animal is a nehneh. so says dora the sicko. its an aneh-moneh-mone actually, and i'd scan it in, only im lazy to. now im gonna turn judas and proclaim that i don't want miss ng, because the new guy is loads better. sungei buloh might be totally cool all over again because now we know he has a keen eye. but i have my doubts about timing.


the school should take us out at night. and oh oh oh. when i find the cable that links my phone to the com (i seem to be losing cables all over the place), i'll show everyone dan's baby grand. sweet awesomeness. it actually made me consider getting one of her kind of wallets.

see chandler's frogblog :D

Saturday, July 7, 2007

FLPs- Funny Little People(s)

and sec ones are totally first-class FLPs. my sister has this blog with her friends, and like every other sentence ends with like, 837543 exclamation marks, 5437294 question marks and don't get me started on the full-stops. she claims it's for maximum self-expression, but that's the same excuse a billion other flashers use. tsk, equally obscene.

anyway, one of her little friends has a crush on orlando bloom! it teetered on the brink of obsession for a while, and WHOMP! straight into the yawning chasm. laura's ex-favourite line comes in really apt here- "and she fell for him like a suicide off a bridge". honest, her infatuation has gotten to the point where the whole blog is about orly (<33), and her blog-mates obsessing over her obsessing over him. and if you go to the side, there's this O.B (geddit? Orlando Bloom :D) word dictionary.

Gi' you an eggsample- 2: (noun) O.B.session~ used to describe a person who is utterly infatuated with Orlando Bloom and hardly infatuated or not at all infatuated with anyone else and has reached a stage in which chocolate can no longer cure anything!

there're a gabazillion pictures of him. i swear, it's a shrine. oh well, who's complaining? he's a hottie-hot-hottie (:

right, go see for yourself (:

Thursday, July 5, 2007

little miss smarty-pants wears imitation goods

(excuse me while i blast my sister with residual brainwaves.)
I SO DID NOT GET THIRTY POINTS ON MY FIRST TRY. i got 80. then scary mary sat soo close she stressed me out and my score dropped. so there.

othernews! fieldtrip coming up!
chandler ng's bringing us to sungei buloh :D YAY. he's very excited about it i can tell. he tried to be sneaky today. while everyone was clearing up after bio pract, he sidled up to the girls opposite my table and went "so girls, are you excited about your trip to mumblemumble?" of course they went "huh?" and he had to repeat himself, which kind of lost the anticipation he was trying to build up. mr chandler, we would be much more excited the trip was during curriculum time, yes.

maybe he did a stint as one of those volunteer guides. the kind with an insatiable appetite for adventure- intrepid explorers pushing their way through dense foliage, fending off vampirish
mosquitoes and leeches, sweat trickling down their brows and backs. Even as tree branches whip across their faces, drawing thin streaks of blood, a fleeting glimpse of cyan and gold winging through the canopy sends a rush of adrenaline so powerful, discomfort is but a distant memory.

(i will not mock my teachers. i will not mock my teachers. i will not mock my teachers. i will not mock my teachers. i will keep telling myself that..)

we're going in the afternoon, according to tarzan chandler, not all the animals will be asleep. he sniggered when i told him everyone would be sleeping. awgh, is it my fault all the little mudskippers and creatures like to play sleeping beauty whenever i'm around? no one is to answer that.

am excited though. it's been a while since i've been to sungei buloh. peektures :D maybe he'll be good, fingers crossed. and is ms ng coming with us! zomg.

let's push her into the river so he can save her! and oh, dora the explorahh, get well soon (:

Sunday, July 1, 2007

Jeanette Procrastination Chang

procrastination is my middle name.
but i have to admit, i am rather proud. the first time i played this game i got 80 points. SO. in a pathetic attempt to console myself, i pick up pretty fast eh :D
will start tomorrow. fingers crossed. alamak.

Friday, June 29, 2007

"i vant to sark your blurd"

dora's very good at coming up with nicknames :D she's 80 Cents, y'know like 50 Cent the rapper! because every recess: "nette, can you lend me 80 cents please?" hawhaw. can you imagine me with my foot up on the chair, "charge eenterest ah."

she's brill at rap i bet. just doesn't want to show it. and psst dora, i just realised. mozzies are an explorer's worst enemy O: let's make moley a leech!

othernews, play this awesome game. total waste of time, totally lame. why else am i recommending it?

Games at - Doodle

Bring your doodle to life and battle the enemy erasers.

Play this free game now!!

Thursday, June 28, 2007

my china tea cup and the pinky

Setting: Some funky green English lawn

Characters: (now you all gotta pretend) you're sandwiched between emma, jane austen and mister darcy. and laura. and me of course.

"i say dearies, we had a lovely bookclub meeting today! the lad(d)ies brought their garden chairs and frilly umbrellas along, and we provided the creampuffs and cupcakes! sipping earl grey tea, we discussed fascinating topics like. the weather. and how papa got the harpischord mended today. oh hoo hoo hoo, laura dahling, we must have them over again sometime soon! :D

OKAY. that's what i imagined would happen today. and it didn't. for one, we had no frilly brollies :( or cupcakes or creampuffs for that matter. but it was cool (: i like listening to smart people talk, and i like adding in my two cents. but i have a problem.

i won't talk if people are already talking. see no point to when they're giving intelligent answers i take time to digest (i find it might be useful to add that i am hopeless at multitasking.) and so i look like a prat who doesn't participate. BOO. i try, but its hard to try sound intelligent when everyone else isn't trying to, but does anyway.

snorts. i sound like i have an issue with my sense of selfworth. talking about a book which has self-discovery as a main theme. = = ironyyy.

ANYWAY. bookclubbing (now there's a word) was fun! and poor laura will have to put up with Inspired Nette bombing her with whacked up theories about JLC . she'll be Expired Laura :D

oh oh. since everyone's crazy over "Transformers, more to the eye... " see mine:

You'd change into an electric toothbrush!

Maybe you won't save the world, but you'll give it a prettier smile. As an electric toothbrush, you're an effective tool for cleaning plaque and other gunk off of people's teeth. Whenever you take on a new mission, you work tirelessly (and whirr happily) until your mission is complete.

In your human form, you probably care a lot about having white teeth and fresh breath. Other people may doubt the importance of your powers, but you know that a great smile can inspire someone to fall in love with you (pshaw) – and fresh breath seals the deal.

6% of the people who took this quiz got the same evaluation.

my coolness level just totally dropped from -3752 to whoa. a number lost during the last alien attack.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

sugarfly, honeybun.

i hate crowded buses. scratch that, i loathe crowded buses. people don't move, people stick out of their seats, people smell funny, people aren't nice to people who need niceness and people try and cheat their way off the bus. (i don't actually have a personal problem with that, but it's bad and here i am trying to convince you that crowded buses are bad.)

zomg. I HATE CROWDED BUSES. CAN'T Y'ALL JUST GO HOME ANOTHER TIME. and let me take my gorgeously quiet happy nice-smelling -kay, went too far with 'nice-smelling'-unsmelly bus in peace. leave me and my antisocial little self be. please.

honestly, i don't like crowds. and i hate places where the only reason there is breathing space between you and stranger number 1 is because you're shorter than him. or her. everyone's pushing and striding, all in a rush to get to someplace someone else is rushing from. all wrapped up in their miniscule little worlds.

dsifhadiufgadiufg. i hate crowds. they give me sensory overload. aftershave stinks, that lady's sequins are blinding me and i hate having to squeeze into someone else so the person behind me can move to wherever it is they're going. its embarrassing to have to shove yourself into a sitting stranger's lap because the rest of the other eedgits and blockheads are too stoned to move.

AND I SHOULD COME WITH MY VERY OWN SCHOOLBAG ZONE. because the dumb thing makes me a safety hazard. though i should speak in its defence- for crying out loud, its orange! albeit a dirty orange. sometimes i wish they were sea slugs or something. -scowls- animals know bright colours mean danger.

and who loves house! yay, tell me who you are so i can jump around and we can gush about house's brilliance together! :D unless you're someone i don't know O.O in which case, jumping around might be difficult and/or awkward. yes.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

i do wonder how much of this is true. and i do wish they didn't use the word monkey. a friend has a particular affinity for that word. not a monkey.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

"Everything's conditional. You just can't always anticipate the conditions."

Dr. Chase: [about House] He thinks outside the box. Is that so evil?
Dr. Foreman: He has no idea where the box is!

House is the awesomemest show ever. and i always feel smarter after watching it because i understand 65-70% of the medical jargon (:

on the other hand, if i want to feel like leonardo da vinci, i watch Spell Cast. happened to catch my first episode (very likely the last) last night on channel 5, and i've concluded that our little ones are getting dumber every year. -watches my theory of milk formulas and superhumans on this island fly out yonder window-

it's too easy. i thought it'd be full of obscure words and nervous 10 year olds mixing up their E's and A's. why don't they spell out the whole word? makes it much harder definitely. OH and hello, just because the word is long doesn't mean it's instantly level 1983647235.

10 seconds to spell a word can be nerve-wrecking. but 10 seconds for MCQ! and the wrong answers are screaming "i'm wrong! i'm wrong! pick the one next to me!" and the goondus pick the screaming one. go back and read a proper dictionary this time laaaah. your primary two spelling list doesn't quite cut it.

maybe im being harsh. they're 11 or 12, nerve-wrecked, and half the island is sitting at home calling them stupid/kayu or both. so the producers give them a chance to y'know, look smart- give them easy words.. but there was one kid.

TIMBU_TU, fill in the single letter. and he/she put an impossible letter, i think it was N or T. can't remember what it was, was too aghast. someone ship (i think it was a her) her off to africa please. and don't bother labelling the box 'fragile', nothing a few knocks should rid her of.

my mom was like, what happened to all the brainiest kids! yeah, those kids were smart. since i've watched house for today already, i shall satisfy myself by reading quotes; they really are very funny.

and oh. haha sarah, at least that's what xavier said.

see, the gas tap was on, and the lighter was seconds away from lighting the stove. then i think xavier's guardian angel must've kicked him real hard in the head, because that was a close call. if it was played in slow-mo, he would have gone "NOOOO..." in this low voice and his hand outstretched and falling forward.

anyway, he relieved me of the lighter and said "you want to blow up the church ah?"

Monday, June 18, 2007

my brother and i

my mother dearest is taking a tremendous risk. the odds are stacked against her, but she's going with her gut instinct. SOME INSTINCT.

and this is the daughter who nearly blew the church up on sunday. i blame the accomplice as well. i thought the gas stove worked the same way as bunsen burners in the lab! apparently not. we didn't know any better.

i have to be responsible and bring him to the library to get charlotte's web. (i told him it was pronounced char-lot-ti as in fried bread :D) little kids are fun, you tell them all sorts of things and they believe you. -looks smug- i only believe half the lies im told- like kumar's really a man.

and if you believed i was that dumb, well shame on you. my daddy told me to "stop being a paris hilton" a while back :D anyway. i told the little man we're gonna play famine camp. that should settle breakfast and lunch pretty well.

I AM NOT THAT MEAN. he ran around the house earlier wearing his goggles (who knows why), and my sister told him his brain would shrink because of the difference in pressure in and out of the water. and he really panicked and ran off to tell my mommy! quote the mean one: "you just throw in some cheem words and he believes you."

i swear, with sisters like us, who needs enemies.

Sunday, June 17, 2007

spongebob for a day

i was a frycook (: and a very good one i bet. nick was squidward, although circumstances should have made me so. i was in green and he was in yellow. no matter, don't like squidward. hoho. but i will never work in Macs. you stink of fried calories.

am self-actualised; on a high because i feel so very useful! will be totally cut out for mission work. see, i went marketing. as in jostle-with-the- aunties-and-step-in-the-smellies marketing.

$4 worth of french beans, 50 cents of chillies, 4 packets of egg noodles and i kg of hokkien mee. doesn't seem like much but it is! AHOHO. if kuching is gonna be as fun as this, bring it on baby.

and oh oh. when i bought the noodles, the uncle kept smiling at me. so i thought he was real happy because he cheated me or something. nope! they were legit.

i must be some sweet young thing :D

Friday, June 15, 2007

we hope you enjoyed your ride.

woke up suddenly at 3.22 this morning. don't ask me why, was creepishly quiet around the house. (but i suppose most households are creepishly quiet at 3am.) anyway. so i lay there, and this thought tapped politely on my mind's door and popped in.

"Life's a giant rollercoaster."

then it made itself right at home, because there's more to it. its not just about the ups and downs that make it such a cool analogy. maybe all of us are in tiny cars, and our relationships the links between cars.

so we try prepare ourselves for life- put a seatbelt in, screw a handlebar on while we're at it. oil the gears regularly (that'd be the exercise), paint it pretty, stick in a cushion. so you've prepared yourself, and so maybe the ride goes smoother, you feel much safer, maybe you think you can stay there forever.

but ultimately, we don't have a say in where we go, do we? we're in a rollercoaster, but blindfolded. because we all can't be the next Cassandra, can we. who knows how many times we'll flip upside down, inside out. or how many times you scream your lungs out. or.. when i think of more stuff to do i'll let you know.

pauses. my point is, i guess there's not much use in worrying about what's gonna happen. in fact, most rollercoasters are much more fun if you think you're gonna fall out. so.

enjoy the ride.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

poseurs never prosper

ahahaha. yes they never. but because i'll have to repeat myself ALL OVER again, i'll just tell you what i told laura on msn, minus the nicknames and stuff. (edited laaa)

SO. my grandpa praised my tennis today! but it was a backhanded compliment (excuse the pun) :D

after our time at the courts was up today, these four NS-aged guys came in and one of them was all cool and knowledgable, teaching his friend how to hold the semi-western grip.

so we walked off, (actually we only exited the courts, which doesn't mean we poofed out of sight) sneakily watched them play.. and my grandpa (oh i love him so.) turned to us and said:

"alamak, for show only! even jeanette can play better than them!"
i swear, their balls were flying high
{ laura therese } says:
i take my compliments where i can :D

hee hee. anyway, dan's birthday vid by celine is out and i'm shamelessly promoting it. ( if you can't see it.)

and i sleepy. g'night y'all.

Sunday, June 10, 2007

am in trouble.
will morph into a beachball over the holidays and when school starts. O: they'll have to roll me up to class. ( oh shock and horror.)

see, yesterday i was showing my grandma confi pictures and she goes "lei fei zhuo lo." [you've gotten fatter] very matter-of-factly.
skdghdflgaifg;afihg! thank you very much :(

and here my mom's saying i have great discipline towards all food; except chocolate. what does that tell you? -scowls-


Friday, June 8, 2007

and i was bored. again.

i am bored, and paris hilton runs away from jail.
there is something sneaky about her. she can't even go to jail properly! s'like, first it was a jailterm of 45 days, then 23.. now 3 days and woosh. she's done a proper houdini now.

-twiddles thumbs-
so, what've you been up to? i will miss xanga's coolio faces, but i don't like the boxes :/
IF anyone knows how to get a xanga skin without the silly frames, do share! please and thank you. then i'll go back there. my loyalties don't lie with blogging services quite 'pparently.

in the meantime, ecphonesis- kind of like KANTANFU! hoho.